How to Build a New Habit

It can be overwhelming at first to try to get into new habits. However, it does get easier over time, as long as you stick to it. Eventually, the habits will become automatic that you don’t even have to put any effort into it.

However, here are some steps to take along the way to build a new habit.

1. Decide what habits suit your lifestyle and yourself.

If you choose a habit that doesn’t go with your lifestyle, then that will be really hard for you to stick to it. For example, it might be hard for you to work out in the morning if you work a night shift. See where it fits and apply the habit.

2. Focus on the identity rather than the habit.

For example, if want to be healthier, visualise yourself as someone who is already healthy so you will always think ‘What would a healthy person do in this situation?’.

Setting a goal of waking up at 5 am every morning might be too challenging at first. Try to think of yourself as an early bird and that will help.

3. Break it into small steps

Starting with a life-changing habit can be overwhelming, so don’t think about that. Start with one simple step. For example, instead of planning to go for a run every morning, change it to opening up the blind first thing in the morning, followed by getting out of bed and putting on that running shoes.

4. Stick to it no matter what

This is all about self-discipline. Do it even though you don’t feel motivated to, it will feel better afterwards. Practice makes perfect. If you believe you can do it then you can do it.

5. See the changes over time

It takes 66 days to form a new habit. The longer you stick to it, the easier it gets.

Why Are Habits Important?

Firstly, you need to understand the importance of habits, then you can learn from the top habits of successful people and see what habits you can apply to yourself.

Habits help you to become more efficient. Habits can save you time and money. And anyone can learn new habits.

If you would like to learn more about habits, check out the book the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, Atomic Habits by James Clear, the Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg and High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard.

All of these books offer comprehensive knowledge about habits. Try not to rush through it.

Neil is currently a Digital Marketer in Hobart, Tasmania. His mission is to become the best version of himself to inspire and provide values to those around him.